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We can advise and support you in dealing with a media issue or opportunity. This might include how you respond to a media enquiry, how you plan messaging for an issue you know is going to arise, how to handle calls from journalists, how to give confident and convincing broadcast interviews, and how to generate positive media coverage from a well written press release. We offer this either as a pay-as-you-go service or by monthly subscription.

Social media is revolutionising how we engage with large groups of people and, more importantly, how people expect us to communicate with them. We can help you set up pages on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and provide you with support and training on how to manage those pages, control access to you pages, generate content, build your audiences, and link your social media presence to other communication channels.

The key to all good communications is planning. We can help you put together a comms strategy that identifies your audiences, develops effective messages, identifies potential channels, and set yourself objectives. We'll help you identify what success should look like with your comms project and how to evaluate whether it's working. We can also help you create a forward planning process that ensures your communications channels are being used in a joined up way.

News media support and training

Social media support and training

Communications planning and strategy

Photography and design (serious and fun!)

Visual content is becoming increasingly important and your digital channels will always be more effective if they are visually strong. It's also vitally important in achieving good media coverage. We can provide professional standard photography to support your business, your event, or even your family memories. And we can also provide design services to develop your organisation's brand and image. There's fun stuff too - we can create bespoke greetings cards, posters or magazine covers for special occasions featuring your loved ones (check out our design page)

Writing content

Different audiences call for different styles. To engage effectively you have to talk the language of the people you are trying to reach. We can help you with words and messages whether they're for the media, stakeholders, customers, your newsletter or text for your website.

Communications review and audit

Sometimes it's difficult to see the wood from the trees. Taking a step back and reviewing how you are communicating is not only good practice, but also essential. It's also important to ensure the way you communicate with your audience suits them rather than you! We can help by carrying out a communications audit which will examine what channels you are using, how effective they are, and whether you are missing any opportunities. Are you using digital and social media channels effectively, or are you wasting money on channels that are not working for you? 

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